Igniting Innovation Day

Spreading the latest technologies

Technology is a key player in our lives to improve what we do daily. And that is what Bravent does: innovative technology solutions that make companies more efficient and productive.

Igniting Innovation Day is an event organized by Bravent, with Microsoft and ESIC support, that showcases the latest technology advances that improve companies’ efficiency.

Igniting Innovation Day is composed of several talks of tech speakers, a showroom, and a debate with professionals talking about their experience innovating and sharing their thoughts about the future.

At the moment of promoting the event, I took action defining a key visual with innovation and technology as concepts to transmit. After that, I developed all the event materials making the key visual consistent through all the assets.

The event was promoted by digital channels: social media (promo video above, social media content below) and email campaigns.

From digital to print assets, an event requires different materials to show a consistent on-brand image to impact the audience.

Motion is a subtle feature that can’t be overlooked: the screens were designed to work in a loop. You can find below several photos and in-between animations for the stage screen, which was incredibly huge 🙂

Could you imagine an event without a summary video? Me neither. The last piece of work of the Igniting Innovation Day was its recap video.

Client Bravent Marketing Department

Company Bravent

Art Direction, Graphic Design, Motion Graphics & Video Editing José Luis Sanz Díez

Filming & Photography Rodri Gilsanz Tejedor